Associate - Auckland

Stephanie Cann

Stephanie Cann


Stephanie has appeared as counsel and junior counsel on matters involving fraud, regulatory breaches, large scale drug seizures, violence, sexual offending, proceeds of crime, transport, coronial inquests, military proceedings and appellate work.

Prior to joining MC, Stephanie worked for five years as a junior barrister undertaking a wide range of criminal work as counsel for both defence and the Crown. Stephanie has appeared in the District Court, High Court, Court of Appeal, Coroner’s Court and the Military Court.

Recent Cases & Achievements

R v Xu [2018] NZHC 1433 and [2018] NZHC 1971

Junior Crown counsel in a 12 week High Court trial of multiple defendants involved in a mortgage fraud of approximately $54 million. This prosecution, which was brought by the Serious Fraud Office, resulted in convictions entered against all defendants.

R v Dennis & Perry, Auckland High Court CRI-2016-004-11091

Junior defence counsel in a High Court jury trial in November 2017 for one of two senior Police Officer defendants charged with kidnapping.  This was an unusual prosecution of significant profile and importance which was prosecuted by the Auckland Crown Solicitor.

Coronial inquest

Junior defence counsel at the inquest in 2017 into the Police shooting of David Cerven (Myers Park shooting). 

Stephanie has acted on a major case involving recovery by liquidators for breaches of directors’ duties. Stephanie was recent junior counsel for the liquidators of H Construction North Island Limited in substantial claims against the directors and McConnell Limited in High Court proceedings from 2019 until 2024. 


LLB/BA, University of Auckland